Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ethics and Social Responsibility

Every human in this world all feel emotions, one of which is being ethical. We all can distinguish between wrong and right, good and bad, and being ethical is a moral/unwritten but expected behavior. In a society, we live upon these ethical relationships, and also have become important to the business industries. Ethics play a role in relationships because consumers share what they have bought with their family and friends and that results in a chain of relations between the customers and the sellers. A few of Boeing’s ethical contributions to the society is having a trustable and good relation to the buyers and also to their employees.

You always want a good relationship with your customers because then they would come back and sometimes with a few friends. Now what if the company’s quality and service is bad, would you go back for more? I suppose you wouldn’t. Luckily Boeing satisfies their buyer’s needs, although they did lose a big buyer to one of their biggest competitive threats, Airbus. They lost that buyer because of so many delays Boeing pushed back to launching their new and latest aircraft, but it was worth the wait.

Thanks to Boeings new aircraft, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, they have become a “greener” airline by using less fuel, and still be powerful enough to get from point A to point B. This is possible because of the demand customers wanted to become more of an environmental friendly company to not put out less pollution into the air. Now we think of Boeing as an airline that contributes to the “go green” corporation.

The company commitment states that they are committed to foster an environment where integrity is valued and is the foundation for all decisions. They will maintain and encourage an open and honest relation with their employees. The company has said, “Managers are responsible for creating an open and honest environment in which employees feel comfortable in bringing issues forward. Retaliation against employees who raise genuine concerns will not be tolerated.” They have also added an ethics line to express any concerns expressed by the employees of any violations or any wrongful doings.



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