Sunday, September 30, 2012

Developing a Global Vision

Boeing is a multinational corporation, being the world’s leading aerospace company and the largest combined manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircrafts. They supply for defense (military), space and security and also make commercial airplanes.

Boeing has reached its products worldwide, reaching any potential buyers. For the past few years now, people have asked for companies to make products that are more Eco-friendly. Boeing took that into account by making a better engine that's been put on in their new aircraft, the 787 Dreamliner, which uses fewer emissions. Japan has received the first 787 Dreamliner, along with Air India and United Airlines. Boeing has 821 orders worth $150 billion. They intend to make 10 planes each month, and by 2013 they will have marketed about 3,300.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Marketing Environment

Target marketing is an important part in a sale. It makes the company easier to sell the products to the consumers that they intend to sell by possibly promoting more advertisement that appeals to that specific target group.

Boeing knows that their products are pricey. They also know to keep their prices high because only a handful of companies make aircrafts, so pretty much it is high in demand.

Boeings target is mainly towards their existing clients. They are Boeing's corporate clients and they include commercial airline companies, governments and government agencies and other nongovernmental organizations such as private companies. The commercial airline companies are Boeing's most valuable targets. Boeing also gives their clients discounts and measurable offerings/benefits, giving a stronger relationship.

The company buyers know to buy from Boeing because the customer travelers not only want comfortable rides, but also a luxurious one too, and Boeing gives that.




Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ethics and Social Responsibility

Every human in this world all feel emotions, one of which is being ethical. We all can distinguish between wrong and right, good and bad, and being ethical is a moral/unwritten but expected behavior. In a society, we live upon these ethical relationships, and also have become important to the business industries. Ethics play a role in relationships because consumers share what they have bought with their family and friends and that results in a chain of relations between the customers and the sellers. A few of Boeing’s ethical contributions to the society is having a trustable and good relation to the buyers and also to their employees.

You always want a good relationship with your customers because then they would come back and sometimes with a few friends. Now what if the company’s quality and service is bad, would you go back for more? I suppose you wouldn’t. Luckily Boeing satisfies their buyer’s needs, although they did lose a big buyer to one of their biggest competitive threats, Airbus. They lost that buyer because of so many delays Boeing pushed back to launching their new and latest aircraft, but it was worth the wait.

Thanks to Boeings new aircraft, the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, they have become a “greener” airline by using less fuel, and still be powerful enough to get from point A to point B. This is possible because of the demand customers wanted to become more of an environmental friendly company to not put out less pollution into the air. Now we think of Boeing as an airline that contributes to the “go green” corporation.

The company commitment states that they are committed to foster an environment where integrity is valued and is the foundation for all decisions. They will maintain and encourage an open and honest relation with their employees. The company has said, “Managers are responsible for creating an open and honest environment in which employees feel comfortable in bringing issues forward. Retaliation against employees who raise genuine concerns will not be tolerated.” They have also added an ethics line to express any concerns expressed by the employees of any violations or any wrongful doings.



Sunday, September 9, 2012

Strategic Planning for Competitive Advantage

For a company to have a long term, it is essential to have a strategic plan. Now what is strategic planning? According to chapter 2 in MKTG, It is a means of creating and maintaining a fit between the organizations objective and resources. How they conduct these goals is by having a marketing plan, which falls under the SWOT analysis. Having this plan helps the company addresses what they need to improve on and how they can make it better by knowing their own Strengths and Weaknesses, followed by their Opportunities and Threats.

Boeing Company remains efficient by setting goals in within all its departments such as engineers, sales, mechanical, product testing and many more. This will address issues such as management, personnel, inventory etc. 

For Boeing, strategic planning is highly important for a company as big as it is. They use strategic planning to influence the communities, airlines and military. Reliability and performance are two greatest concerns for an aircraft manufacturer. Boeing Company looks towards the buyers/consumers and apply their request. The most recent request from customers is looking for an environmentally friendly type of plane. You may think, “How can they make airplanes environmental?”

Well not long ago, after 5 years of preparation, the Boeing 787 “Dreamliner” entered the commercial service in October 26, 2011. This aircraft is the most fuel-efficient airliner and the world’s first major airliner to use composite materials for most of its construction. The 787 also consumes 20% less fuel than its competitors. This has made a large entry into the new advantages Boeing has in the upcoming future.

Monday, September 3, 2012

History and Mission Statement


The first to invent the airplane were Orville and Wilbur Wright. In December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers have successfully lifted above the ground and sustainably took flight and landed safely. Inventors soon continued to improve on airplanes which soon led to the invention of jet propulsion engines.

William E. Boeing was the founder of The Boeing Company founded in 1916 in Seattle, Washington. William Boeing bought Heath’s shipyard in Seattle, Washington on the Duwamish River, which became his first airplane factory.

Boeing is the world’s most successful and oldest existing aerospace company, although leading third largest in Aerospace and Defense Company in the world behind Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman which are all United States companies.

The first Boeing airplane was assembled in a lakeside hanger located on the northwest shore of Seattle’s Lake Union. In 1933 the Boeing 247 was introduced as the first modern airliner. It was the first twin engine passenger airline that could fly on one engine.

Sometime around 1930s an agreement with Pan American World Airways (Pan Am) was reached to develop the first commercial flying boat carrying passengers on transoceanic routes carrying at a capacity of 90 passengers. In 1924 Boeing introduces Oleo-Strut Shock absorbers, a universally adopted Boeing landing gear invention.

Boeing isn’t just an Aerospace company, but also a weapon and defense supplier which began in the mid 1950s. Technology had advanced significantly giving Boeing the opportunity to be the first to create the guided short-ranged missile. By 1958, Boeing had delivered the 707, which was the United States first commercial jet airliner. Today, the main commercial products are the 737, 747 767 and the 777 families of airplanes and Boeing Business Jet.

Mission Statement

The Mission of Boeing is to value leadership, integrity, quality, customer satisfaction and a diverse and involved team. They put in time and effort to make the best of what they do which is to work together as a global company for the Aerospace leadership.
