Monday, November 19, 2012

Integrated Marketing Communications

Television; it’s the best way to attract customers; well it used to be. Now people are turning their heads elsewhere. Television used to be the number 1 past time in America with an average of four hours and thirty-nine minutes per person every day.

The use of internet videos, social media networking, mobile phones and video games replaces those times of watching television, cutting down the attention spans of Americans. The internet has practically everything and everyone; opening a new world to Americans, especially the younger generations. I used to be in that category of watching TV every single night for hours and streaming the internet simultaneously.

Nowadays, there are many ways of advertising and getting your name out there. Social media ads such as facebook, twitter, instagram and youtube is where tens of millions of people connect in one place.

Connecting online is the best way the Boeing Company can get their messages across the globe. It lets them connect to people, letting them know new discoveries and technologies they have encountered. Boeing has their own website, advertising the companies name, help market their products. They don’t need to spend a lot of money on advertising because Boeing’s target market is a small group of people like big company spenders and not to everyone.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Product Concepts

Many companies have their own views of product concepts. Some companies look for the best quality over quantity. They look for the best products that functions very well and suits their needs as well. They are willing to look past the cost of the production for the best quality.
A few weeks ago Boeing has teamed up with NASA, university of Alabama in Huntsville aero physics research center and oak ridge national laboratory are working together to form a new project to produce nuclear fusion impulse rocket engines. You’re probably wondering what nuclear fusion impulse engines are, well let me explain it to you in a better context. Remember star trek, the television series? Well guess what, this engine will be similar to it. It although may not be “warp speed”, but it still would let us travel the galaxy a lot quicker than space rockets.
What an impulse engine looked like in Star Trek
Based on the information from, the scientists are hoping to release the impulse engines by 2030. It is said that this engine would take a spacecraft from earth to mars in as little as 6 weeks compared to the recent shuttle that was launched earlier this year (2012) where the Curiosity Lander took 253 days. This engine will be fueled by stabilized isotope of hydrogen (deuterium) and Li6 (a stable isotope of the metal lithium) in a crystal structure, which is basically dilithium crystals, just like they use in star trek!
Dilithium crystals used in Star Trek
This surely will attract company buyers and get keep a close eye on their progress because this is the biggest project people have seen for an outer space project since the space shuttle and the moon landing. This project will let us travel and explore this galaxy and possibly even the universe in the near future, and we may even hit “warp speed”!
The making of the impulse engine

Sales Promotion and Personal Selling

Sales are what keep companies alive, and without it, Boeing would not be where it is today. However Boeing gets their products out to the world is working because they sure get a lot of sales. Sales promotion helps increase sales, drawing in more customers where as at the same time retain our older ones.

Boeing Company is very well known now that they don’t need to increase their advertising campaigns as they get around through reputation/word of mouth. Boeing has a great reputation and customer relationship that they don’t need to give out coupons, telemarketers, mails and price cuts to get them around. However, if they are regular customers and have a great relationship, there’s a possibility that they give discounts.

Your probably wondering how they get people to buy their products (aircrafts, weapons, etc.), well since they are one of the largest global aircraft manufacturers and the third largest aerospace and defense contractor, companies can rely on their name alone and their reputation to buy from them.

Other than word of mouth, Boeing Company introduces its products through the internet and public relations. Because of their high tech equipments and modern products, it attracts many consumers to buy and look into their company. Also, somewhat of a sampling, Boeing lets people go in their aircrafts to take a sneak peak of what is to come in their latest product releases.